today mum and dad woke up late...and ME as well..~~ I cant hear the alarm...
omg..~~ super piggy ...@.@..~~~ everyone woke up around 7am..~~ me,mum and dad was rushing like hell...
and its rainny day..~~~ and we are jam at LDP toll..~~ omg..~~~ i was late....then went to lulu hse pick her up and went to Grand Dorsett Hotel..~~ but luckily...not oni us...all late...hahah xD...~~~
the ballroom which held was really nice...environment...^^..~~~ mum n dad was looking at so nervous...hahah xD...
around 11 sumthg....the ceremony is finished..~~ and we have our photograph period...hahah xD
enjoy the day wif my collegemate...happi that we can reunion after the langkawi trip..^^..~~~